Roller Coaster Roots 衝上雲霄


  Roller coasters dot the earth today. These scream machines attract millions of people and billions of dollars every year. While some of today's coasters stand as high as 40 meters and are clearly a product of the 21st century, the concept has _(1)_ for nearly 400 years.

  Most coaster historians agree that it all began in Russia. In the mid-1600s in the area today _(2)_ as St. Petersburg, upper-class citizens, including Catherine the Great, flocked to the Russian Ice Slides. Riders would climb a wooden staircase, sit on a sled, and then glide down a(n) _(3)_ slide that curved up at the end. By the early 19th century, France had at least two coasters. These early rides had a few gentle _(4)_ . This was before loops were added to make them more exciting. In 1846, France _(5)_ a coaster with a 13-foot loop. Throughout the 1900s, roller coasters started popping up all over the world. Nowadays, there are a variety of coasters—steel or wooden, some with passengers standing, and some even suspend passengers.

  Coaster enthusiasts travel the globe in order to experience _(6)_ roller coaster engineers have developed. These thrill seekers hunt for speed, excitement, and the exhilaration of feeling _(7)_ a jet that only a coaster can provide. No matter where you go, roller coasters allow you to fly without ever leaving the earth.

──by LuAnn Crowther Oliver

1. (A) come around(B) been around(C) looked around(D) turned around

2. (A) known(B) knowing(C) to know(D) where knows

3. (A) covering-ice(B) covered-ice(C) ice-covered(D) ice-covering

4. (A) high and low(B) dos and don'ts(C) ups and downs(D) cause and effect

5. (A) inquired(B) exaggerated(C) boasted(D) commented

6. (A) what(B) which(C) that(D) how

7. (A) alike(B) like(C) as if(D) up to




標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (B)



1. dot vt. 星羅棋布於……

2. concept n. 概念, 觀念

3. staircase n. 樓梯 (間)

4. sled n. 雪橇

5. glide vi. 滑行, 滑動

6. curve vi. 彎曲

7. loop n. 360度旋轉的軌道

8. enthusiast n. 狂熱者

9. exhilaration n. 狂喜, 興高采烈



1.flock to + 地方  湧向某地
例: Tourists flock to the resort every winter vacation.

2.pop up  突然出現/發生
例: It seems that a new 7-Eleven pops up every few days.

3.a variety of...   各式各樣的……
例: There were a variety of trees growing on the side of the hill.

4.suspend vt. 使懸吊
例: The students suspended the sign in the middle of the room.

5.hunt for...   尋找……
例: If you are hunting for something to do this weekend, let me know.



1.第一題空格應選 (B) been around

a.(A) come around  恢復知覺
例:The patient didn't come around for three hours.

(B) have been around  存在一陣子
have been around表『已經存在一陣子』, 而be around則表『清醒』。
例:Digital TV has been around for many years, but only a few families have it.
Don't worry. She will be around in an hour.

(C) look around  四處看看

(D) turn around  轉身

b.根據語意, 可知(B)為正選。

2.第二題空格應選 (A) known

a.原句實等於: the area today which is known as St. Petersburg,...
be known as + 身分/名稱  
以…… (身分/名稱) 知名/為人所知
例:That computer store is known as a bad shop to do business with.

b.原句中的形容詞子句"which is known as..."可化簡為過去分詞片語"known as...", 故(A)應為正選。

3.第三題空格應選 (C) ice-covered

a.本空格在測試複合形容詞的用法。複合形容詞的形式為『N-現在分詞』或『N-過去分詞』, 由此可知, (A)與(B)均不可選。

(1) 表主動概念時, 應使用『N-現在分詞』。
例:Daisy is a girl who likes to break boys' hearts.
→Daisy is a heart-breaking girl.

(2)表被動概念時, 應使用『N-過去分詞』。
例:The girl whose heart is broken cried for most of the morning.
→The heart-broken girl cried for most of the morning.

c.根據上述, (C) ice-covered (被雪覆蓋的) 應為正選。

4.第四題空格應選 (C) ups and downs

a.(A) high and low  上上下下, 到處
例:We searched high and low for the missing dog but couldn't find him.

(B) dos and don'ts 該做與不該做的, 行為守則
例:It takes a while to get used to the dos and don'ts of the office.

(C) ups and downs  高高低低, 起伏
例:All marriages have their ups and downs.

(D) cause and effect  原因與結果

b.空格前為一形容詞gentle (溫和的), 可知其後應置入名詞。 (A)選項為副詞片語, 故不可選。(B)、(C)、 (D)雖均為名詞片語, 但僅(D)置入後符合語意, 故為正選。

5.第五題空格應選 (C) boasted

a.(A) inquire vt. & vi. 詢問, 查詢
例:I'm calling to inquire about the job opening I saw in the paper.

(B) exaggerate vt. 誇大

(C) boast vt. 以擁有……自豪 & vi. 誇耀, 自誇
boast of/about...  誇耀/自誇……
例:Ireland boasts beautiful beaches and great restaurants.
Paul likes to boast about his achievements.

(D) comment vi. 評論
comment on...  評論……
例:My mother feels that it is her job to comment on what I wear.

b.根據語意、用法, 可知應選(C)。

6.第六題空格應選 (A) what

a.what為複合關係代名詞, 等於the thing(s) which, 使用時其前不須有先行詞 (名詞), 且what置入空格後, 亦可做其後及物動詞developed的受詞, 符合語意、用法, 故(A)為正選。

b.which與that作關係代名詞時, 其前須有先行詞 (名詞), 故(B)、(C)不可選。

c.疑問詞how雖可用來引導名詞子句, 但由於how是副詞, 須用來修飾該名詞子句中的動詞, 而此處空格須置入可作developed受詞的詞類, 故 (D) 不可選。

7.第七題空格應選 (B) like

a.(A) 無feel alike之用法。

(B) feel like + N  感覺(起來) 像……
例:It feels like silk, but it's actually artificial fiber.

(C) feel as if + S+ V  感覺彷彿/好像……

(D) feel up to...
例:I feel up to the task. I will have it done on time.

b.根據上述, 僅(B)置入後符合語意、用法, 故為正選。

from 常春藤解析英語雜誌

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