Hitting the Slopes 滑雪去!


Skiing has come a long way since the Stone Age, when early humans jumped on boards before going out to hunt. Back then, sliding down snow-covered hills was merely a means of pursuing prey. _(1)_ a successful skiing trip in the Stone Age would have required bringing home a wooly mammoth, today it merely involves a trip to any of the three hundred plus alpine skiing resorts scattered around the globe.

  It took quite some time for skiing to _(2)_ the gap between utility and recreation. The first evidence of skiing simply _(3)_ the sake of skiing can be found in Icelandic poetry written roughly 1,000 years ago. One poem boasts of the high speed achieved by a skiing Viking king. King Hadrade skied for no other reason _(4)_ to feel the air against his face, the pull of gravity on his body, and the sensation of controlled falling that skiing provides.

  Of course, skiing equipment also took some time to advance beyond the 4,500-year-old wooden skis archeologists found in Scandinavia. Early skis were _(5)_ tree branches stripped of their leaves. Neither the material nor the shape of those early skis _(6)_ much resemblance to modern ones. Today's skis are complicated mixtures of fiberglass and metal, _(7)_ more like hourglasses than tree branches. These developments have made skiing easier and thus more enjoyable.

──by LuAnn Crowther Oliver

1. (A) When(B) As (C) Because(D) While

2. (A) gate(B) bridge(C) deepen(D) broaden

3. (A) at(B) to(C) for(D) by

4. (A) than (B) only(C) but(D) except

5. (A) more(B) very(C) most(D) mostly

6. (A) wear(B) gear(C) bear(D) tear

7. (A) to shape(B) shaped(C) shape(D) shaping




1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (C) 7. (B)



1. pursue vt. 追捕/趕

2. mammoth n. 長毛象

3. alpine a. 高山的

4. resort n. 渡假/遊覽勝地

5. utility n. 實用性

6. recreation n. 消遣, 娛樂

7. roughly adv. 大致地, 大約
= approximately

8. gravity n. 重力, 地心引力

9. sensation n. 感/知覺

10. archeologist n. 考古學家

11. mixture n. 混合/合成物

12. hourglass n. 沙漏






1.come a long way  有長足進展
例: Leon has come a long way in his study of kung fu.

2.means n. 手段, 方法; 財富
by means of...  藉由……

例: We are determined to get the job done by means of working through the night.

3.scatter vt. 四散, 散佈
例: The woman scattered the bread crumbs around her for the birds to eat.

4.boast of/about...  誇耀/自誇……
例: That stand boasts of the best dumplings in all of Taipei.

5.strip vt. 剝去, 脫光
strip sb/sth of sth  剝奪某人/物的某事物

例: The army stripped Jack of his ranking after he went absent without leave.



1.第一題空格應選 (D) While

a.while作連接詞時, 除可表『當……時』, 亦可表『雖然』之意, 即等於although或though, 用於連接兩個意義對比的句子。
例: While he is smart, his brother is as stupid as he can be.
=Though he is smart, his brother is as stupid as he can be.

b.When (當……時), As (當……時; 由於……), Because (因為……) 雖均為副詞連接詞, 可用以連接兩句, 但置入空格後均不合語意, 故(A)、(B)、(C)不可選; 僅While置入空格後符合語意、用法, 故選(D)。

2.第二題空格應選 (B) bridge

a.bridge the gap  彌補差異/距
例: Only by talking can you bridge the gap that divides you and your parents.

b.(A)gate n. (大) 門
(C)deepen vt. 使加深
(D)broaden vt. 加/拓寬
broaden one's horizons  
使某人增廣見聞 (horizons恆用複數形)
例: Traveling can help to broaden your horizons.

c.由於空格前有不定詞的to, 得知空格內須置入動詞, 故(A)不可選。其餘根據語意及用法, 可知(B)應為正選。

3.第三題空格應選 (C) for

a.for the sake of...  為了……的緣故
例: You should exercise on a daily basis for the sake of your health.
=You should exercise on a daily basis for your health's sake.

b."for the sake of..."為固定用法, 故選(C)。

4.第四題空格應選 (A) than

a.no other...than...  除了……別無……
例: It seems there is no other way than to deal with the problem.

b.根據上述固定用法, 故(A)為正選。

c.若原句刪除other, 則可與but或except並用, 即:
King Hadrade skied for no other reason than to feel the air against his face...
=King Hadrade skied for no reason but/except to feel the air against his face...

5.第五題空格應選 (D) mostly

a.mostly為副詞, 表『大多, 往往』, 此處亦可等於generally (通常, 大體上), 置入空格後可用於修飾其前的be動詞were, 符合語意、用法, 故(D)為正選。

Early skis were mostly tree branches that were stripped of their leaves.

c.more (更加地) 及very (非常地) 均為副詞, 其後須接形容詞或副詞, 故(A)、(B)不可選。

d.most表『最……的』, 之前須置定冠詞the, 之後再置入形容詞, 故(C)亦不可選。

6.第六題空格應選 (C) bear

a.bear much/a close resemblance to...  與……極相似
resemblance n. 相似 (程度)
例: Annie bears a close resemblance to her father.

b.gear vt. 使適應/合 & n. 齒輪
例: We will gear the product to young people who like to travel.

c."bear much resemblance to..."為固定用法, 故(C)應為正選。

7.第七題空格應選 (B) shaped

Today's skis are complicated mixtures of fiberglass and metal, which are shaped more like hourglasses than tree branches.

b.上列形容詞子句中, which are可以省略, 保留過去分詞shaped, 故(B)應為正選。

c.選項(A) to shape為不定詞片語, 句中使用不定詞片語時, 乃用來表『目的』, 且之前不可有逗點, 故to shape於此語意及用法皆不合, 因此(A)選項不列入考慮。
from 常春藤解析英語雜誌

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