一. DoC
作助動詞用 —— 本身沒有意義,但在文法上具有以下的作用:C
1. |
形成疑問句與否定句:D |
沒有其他助動詞的一般動詞必須用 do 才能形成疑問句 (Do+主詞+主動詞……?) 或否定句 (主詞 +do not+主動詞…)。如:C
(1) |
I know Mr.Wang. Do you know him? (我認識王先生,你認不認識他?)C |
(2) |
You love her, I know. Does she love you, I wonder?C (你愛她,我知道。她愛不愛你? 我懷疑。)C |
(3) |
I love her deeply, but she doesn't love me at all.C (我深深地愛她,可是她一點也不愛我。)C |
(4) |
She wants to divorce me, but I don't want to divorce her. (她想跟我離婚,可是我不要跟她離婚。)C |
(5) |
Didn't she tell you that she didn't love you? (她沒有告訴你她不愛你?)C |
(註) |
(a) |
已有助動詞 (包括 be 動詞)的句子,只要將原有的助動詞置於主詞之前即形成疑問句,或在原有的助動詞之後加上 not 即形成了否定句,都不須用 do。 如:C
① |
A: |
Do you can (×) |
speak French? |
Can you (○) | |
B: |
No, I |
don't can. (×) |
can not. (○) | |
② |
A: |
Do you have been (×) |
to America? |
Have you been (○) | |
B: |
No, I |
don't have. (×) |
have not (○) | |
③ |
A: |
Does she be (×) |
an nurse? |
Is she (○) | |
B: |
No, she |
doesn't be. (×) |
is not. (○) | |
(她不是。)C |
主詞是疑問詞或主詞被疑問詞修飾的疑問句裡不用do。 如:C
① |
Did who take (×) |
my pen? |
Who took (○) | |
(誰把我的筆拿去了?)C |
比 |
較: |
Who (or Whom) did you see? (你看見了誰?)D |
疑問詞 who 是做動詞 see 的受詞。
② |
Which of them speaks English best? (他們之中哪一個英語說得最好?)D |
疑問詞 which 是主詞,其動詞是 speaks。C
③ |
Which bottle holds most? (哪一個瓶子裝得最多?)D |
疑問詞 which 是修飾主詞 bottle。
比 |
較: |
Which do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter?C (春夏秋冬你最喜歡哪一季?)D |
疑問詞 which 是做動詞 like 的受詞。
④ |
What happened to him? (他出了什麽事?)D |
疑問詞 what是主詞。C
⑤ |
What boy broke the window? (哪一個男孩把這窗子打破了?) |
最好用Which代替What,第一冊 p.345-3告訴您為什麼。
比 |
較: |
What languages does she speak? (她會說哪幾種語言?) |
疑問詞 what 是修飾 speak 的受詞 languages (不是主詞)。
⑥ |
How many people gathered there? (有多少人聚集在那裡?)D |
疑問詞 how many是修飾主詞 people。C
比 |
較: |
How many people did you invite to your birthday party last night? (昨天晚上你請了多少人參加你的生日宴會?)D |
How many是修飾 invite 的受詞 people。
(c) |
沒有 not 的否定句不用 do。 如:C |
有 not 的否定句 |
沒有 not 的否定句 |
① |
Do not tell a lie. (不要說謊。) |
Never tell a lie. (絕不要說謊。) |
② |
We did not go there. (我們沒去那裡。) |
None of us went there. (我們沒有一個人去那裡。) |
⑥ |
I did not know that he was a thief. (我不知道他是小偷。) |
I little knew that he should be a thief. (我根本不知道他竟是小偷。) | |