Taking the Work out of Your Wardrobe 虛擬試衣樂無窮 血拼省時又省力

by Rebecca A. Fratzke

Technology is making it easier to shop with a virtual you.

  Although shopping is a pastime for millions of people, it can also be a hassle. Every store and brand has its own cuts and sizes of clothing. _(1)_ Add that to the other hassles of shopping, such as long lines and crowds, and even the most enthusiastic shopper can be deterred. Luckily, technology is here to help.
  Virtual fitting rooms are gaining in popularity wherever shopping is done. Virtual fitting rooms help customers decide on clothes faster and help store owners keep costs down through theft prevention. How does it work? _(2)_ A 3-D image of the shopper is created by using a photo or mannequin-building tool that asks for the shopper's body measurements. Using the image, the shopper can virtually try on any clothes available in the store's online catalogue. To do this, the shopper drags or clicks on a clothing selection. The program then shows how the item would look according to the shopper's virtual body shape. _(3)_
  Another alternative to traditional fitting rooms is the virtual mirror. _(4)_ The mirror has reflectors in it that project the image of the item onto the person's silhouette. What's more, the image can be saved and then uploaded to the Internet. _(5)_ Keep an eye out for virtual fitting rooms and virtual mirrors because they may just be what you need to enjoy shopping again.

(A) Once the shopper has found the style, size, and color they are looking for, they can go to the store, pick it out, and pay in one quick stop.
(B) A virtual fitting room is an online program that a shopper uses before going to the actual store.
(C) That way, a shopper can get the opinions of friends on the Internet before buying it.
(D) Therefore, it is usually necessary for customers to try clothes on before purchasing them.
(E) This allows shoppers in the store to see what an item might look like when it's on simply by selecting the item and standing in front of a special mirror.

1. 第一題空格應選 (D)
a. 空格前的句子提到每間店和品牌的衣物都有自己的剪裁和尺寸(its own cuts and sizes of clothing)。
b. 選項 (D) 的句子說,因此對顧客而言,在購買衣服前先試穿看看(try clothes on)通常是有必要的,進一步說明因各家店剪裁和尺寸不同,因此顧客須試穿才能確認是否合適,語意連貫,故選之。
try...on/try on...  試穿∕試戴……
例: Don't try on that furry vest. It'll make you look like a sheep.

2. 第二題空格應選 (B)
a. 空格的前兩句說到虛擬試衣間(Virtual fitting rooms)幫助顧客更快速地決定購買的衣物,也因為預防竊盜而讓店家降低了成本。這是怎麼辦到的呢?由此推測,空格應是解釋什麼是虛擬試衣間,或虛擬試 衣間是如何操作的。
b. 選項 (B) 的句子表示,虛擬試衣間(A virtual fitting room)是購物者在去實體店面前先使用的一種線上程式,解釋了什麼是虛擬試衣間,且前後皆有關鍵詞 virtual fitting room,故選之。
a. virtual a. 虛擬的;實際上的
virtually adv. 虛擬地;實際上
例: Eddie's room was a virtual pigsty, with dirty clothes scattered everywhere on the floor.
b. fitting n. 試穿(本文為名詞作形容詞用)
a fitting room  試衣間

3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
a. 空格前的兩個句子說購物者只要拖曳或點擊所選的衣服,這項程式接著就會依照購物者的虛擬身形,顯示出穿上所選物品的樣子,由此推測,空格應在說明購物者藉 由虛擬身形選好衣服後,可以怎麼做。
b. 選項 (A) 的句子提到,一旦購物者找到了他們想要的款式、尺寸和顏色,他們就可以去店裡快速地取件然後付帳,符合推測,且置入後前後語意連貫,故選之。

4. 第四題空格應選 (E)
a. 空格前的句子說,另一項相對於傳統試衣間的選擇是虛擬鏡(the virtual mirror)。由此推測,空格應是解釋什麼是虛擬鏡,或虛擬鏡是如何操作的。
b. 選項 (E) 的句子說,虛擬鏡(This = The virtual mirror)讓店裡的購物者能簡單地藉由選擇物件,然後站在特製的鏡子(a special mirror)前,就能看到衣物穿在身上的可能模樣,置入後語意連貫,且前後句子皆有關鍵字 mirror,故選之。
a. select vt. 挑選
例: Andy selected several shirts to try on in the clothing store.
b. mirror n. 鏡子

5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
a. 空格前兩句說,虛擬鏡中藏有反射器,能將衣物的影像投射到人體的輪廓上。更棒的是,影像還能被儲存起來,然後上傳到網路上(uploaded to the Internet)。
b. 選項 (C) 的句子說,那樣一來,購物者就可以在購買前先從網路上(on the Internet)得知朋友們的意見,置入後語意連貫,且前後兩句皆有關鍵字 Internet,故選之。
That way, S + V  那樣的話∕那樣一來,……
This way, S + V  這樣的話∕如此一來,……
例: I will cook the food while you sweep and mop the floor. That way, dinner will be ready when you finish all the housework.

1. hassle n. 麻煩的事
例: It's a hassle to find a parking space around the restaurant, so let's take the bus.

2. enthusiastic a. 熱切的
be enthusiastic about...  對……熱衷∕狂熱
例: John is enthusiastic about watching his favorite baseball team's games.

3. deter vt. 使斷念,嚇止
deter sb from V-ing  阻止某人從事……
例: Hearing about Tom's motorcycle accident deterred Paul from buying a scooter.

4. decide on...  選定……,決定……
例: Jim couldn't decide on a major, so he asked his brother for advice.

5. available a. 可得到的;可利用的
例: The hotel still has six rooms available for the weekend.
(那家飯店這個週末還有 6 間空房。)

6. according to...  根據……
例: According to the fortuneteller, Cynthia will get married when she is 35.
(根據算命師的說法,辛西亞 35 歲時會結婚。)

7. alternative n. 兩者間的選擇(其後與介詞 to 並用)
例: Brown sugar is a healthier alternative to white sugar.

8. project vt. 投射,反射
例: This lamp is used to project light onto the stage.

9. keep an eye out for...  留意∕密切注意……
例: Please keep an eye out for some size 14 shoes while you're traveling in America.
(你去美國旅行時,請幫我留意一下 14 號的鞋子。)

1. wardrobe n. 衣櫃,衣櫥
2. pastime n. 消遣,娛樂
3. cut n. 式樣,剪裁
4. popularity n. 流行,普及
gain in popularity  受到歡迎,開始流行
5. prevention n. 預防,防止
6. mannequin-building a. 建造人體模型的
mannequin n. 人體模型
7. measurement n. 三圍,尺寸
8. catalogue n.(商品)型錄(= catalog)
9. drag vt. 拖曳
10. reflector n. 反射器
11. silhouette n. 輪廓
12. upload vt. 上傳
download vt. 下載

take the work out of...  讓……不如此費力

  雖然購物對數以百萬計的人而言是種消遣,但也可能是件麻煩事。每間店和品牌的 衣物都有自己的剪裁和尺寸。因此對顧客而言,在購買衣服前先試穿看看通常是有必要的。再加上購物時其他的麻煩事,像是大排長龍和人擠人,就算是最熱衷血拼 的人也會為之卻步。還好,我們有科技可以助一臂之力。
  虛擬試衣間在任何可以購物的地方逐漸流行起來。虛擬試衣間幫助顧客更快速地決定購買的衣物,也因為預防竊盜而讓店家降低了成本。這是怎麼辦到的呢?虛 擬試衣間是購物者在去實體店面前先使用的一種線上程式。藉著利用照片或是取得購物者三圍尺寸的人體模特兒建造工具,購物者的 3D 立體影像就能被建立出來。使用這個影像,購物者就能以虛擬的方式試穿店家線上目錄上的任何衣服。購物者只要拖曳或點擊所選的衣服就可以了。這項程式接著就 會依照購物者的虛擬身形,顯示出穿上所選物品的樣子。一旦購物者找到了他們想要的款式、尺寸和顏色,他們就可以去店裡快速地取件然後付帳。
  另一項相對於傳統試衣間的選擇是虛擬鏡。虛擬鏡讓店裡的購物者能簡單地藉由選擇物件,然後站在特製的鏡子前就能看到衣物穿在身上的可能模樣。虛擬鏡中 藏有反射器,能將衣物的的影像投射到人體的輪廓上。更棒的是,影像還能被儲存起來,然後上傳到網路上。那樣一來,購物者就可以在購買前,先從網路上得知朋 友們的意見。請留意虛擬試衣間和虛擬鏡,因為它們或許會是你再度愛上血拼滋味的工具。

標準答案: 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (E) 5. (C)

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