Apocalypse: Rise of Hitler 二次大戰啟示錄:希特勒

Hitler was the brutal butcher of six million Jews and one of the world's most infamous political leaders

  Human experimentation, concentration camps, and the Holocaust are what first come to mind when this man's name is mentioned. He was the brutal butcher of six million Jews and one of the world's most binfamous political leaders. However, before all this, Adolf Hitler was just a simple man with simple dreams. Born in Austria in 1889, Hitler had goals of becoming an artist. What changed him into the most bdestructive force of the 20th century?

  Despite being born in Austria, Hitler expressed great loyalty to Germany from a young age. After leaving school at the age of 16, he bstruggled to make a living as a painter in Vienna. That was where many of his extreme political ideas btook shape. When WWI bbroke out, Hitler joined the German army. This further increased his German nationalism and his bdetermination to save Germany. After the war, Hitler entered into politics when he joined the German Worker's Party. This later became the Nazi Party as Hitler brose to power. For more on this Nazi dictator, catch "Apocalypse: Rise of Hitler" on National Geographic Channel this month.


  人體實驗、集中營和大屠殺,上述都是提起這個人的名字時,首先會浮現在大家腦海中的事。他是屠殺六百萬猶太人的殘暴劊子手,也是全世界最惡名昭彰的政 治領袖之一。然而在發生這一切之前,阿道夫‧希特勒只是一個擁有平凡夢想的普通人。希特勒於1889年出生在奧地利,其志向曾一度是當藝術家。那麼到底是 什麼改變了他,使他成為二十世紀最具毀滅性的一股勢力呢?

  雖然希特勒出生於奧地利,但他自幼就對德國展現了無比的忠誠。他在十六歲那年休學之後,便開始在維也納當起畫家,勉強糊口飯吃。那裡就是他許多極端的 政治理念萌芽成形之地。在第一次世界大戰爆發時,希特勒加入了德國軍隊。這更進一步地激起他的德國國家主義思想,並鞏固他想拯救德國的決心。希特勒於戰後 便投身政治,成為德國工人黨的一員。隨著希特勒逐漸開始掌權,此黨派後來也搖身成為納粹黨。想得知這位納粹獨裁者的更多內幕,本月份請鎖定國家地理頻道的 《二次大戰啟示錄:希特勒崛起》。
Words & Phrases 

1. brutal a. 凶殘的,無情的
The police are trying to catch a brutal killer of women.

2. infamous a. 惡名昭彰的,聲名狼藉的
Julius Caesar was one of the most infamous tyrants in history.

3. destructive a. 毀滅性的,破壞性的
The destructive earthquake killed hundreds of people on the island.

4. struggle to + 原形動詞  努力∕拚命(做)……
This movie is about a woman who struggles to fight for her basic human rights.

5. take shape  (想法、事物、計畫等)成形
Our travel plans took shape during our lengthy discussion.

6. break out  (戰爭、災難、疾病等)爆發
Many people were forced to leave their homes when the war broke out.

7. determination n. 決心;毅力
Cathy's determination helped her beat all the other contestants.

8. rise/come to power  開始掌權,上台
The general came to power as a result of the rebellion.
Extra Words 

1. human experimentation n. 人體實驗
2. concentration camp n. 集中營
3. the Holocaust n. 二戰期間對猶太人的大屠殺
4. butcher n. 劊子手;屠夫
5. nationalism n. 國家主義,民族優越感
6. dictator n. 獨裁者
7. apocalypse n. 天啟;啟示錄
Tips In Use 

despite 與 in spite of 的用法
despite + 動名詞∕名詞  儘管∕雖然……
= in spite of +動名詞∕名詞
despite the fact + that 子句  儘管∕雖然……
= in spite of the fact + that 子句
despite 和 in spite of 均視為介詞,故其後只能接名詞或動名詞,不可直接接 that 子句作受詞,而須先在其後加 the fact 作其受詞,然後再接 that 子句,此 that 子句乃其前 the fact 的同位語。
They went jogging despite the rain.
Jerry came in first in spite of the fact that he had fallen down during the race.


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