Bad Art Makes Good  你的垃圾,他人的無價之寶?

by Li Chen

The Museum of Bad Art dedicates itself to bringing bad art to the world.

  Most of you have heard of the Lourve and the Museum of Modern Art, but have you ever heard of MOBA? This is the Museum of Bad Art, a one-room gallery situated just outside the men's bathroom in the basement of a local movie theater on the _(1)_ of Boston. Since being established in fall of 1993, MOBA's _(2)_ has been to bring "art too bad to be ignored" to the widest of audiences.
  In 1993, Scott Wilson, an antique dealer, _(3)_ a painting that was thrown out in the trash. _(4)_, he just wanted the frame, but after showing it to Jerry Reilly, they decided to keep it. They felt there was something so bad about it that it was good and _(5)_ the word among their friends to keep an eye out for more bad art. Pretty soon, their collection grew, and Wilson and Reilly established MOBA. Their first exhibition was held in Reilly's basement in March of 1994. _(6)_, their museum outgrew the space and was moved to the basement of the Dedham Community Theatre in Dedham Square, Massachusetts in 1995.
  Today, MOBA is _(7)_ with a collection of almost 400 pieces of bad art, mostly acquired from sidewalk trash piles or for less than US$6.50 a piece. It has recently expanded to a second gallery in another theater's basement in Somerville. MOBA's curators are dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition, and celebration of bad art no matter _(8)_ bizarre, silly, or puzzling they are. However, they uphold rigorous standards about _(9)_ is accepted into their collection. They only collect pieces that were sincerely made but poorly executed. They don't want anything that is deliberately bad or just plain _(10)_. It just goes to show that one man's trash is truly another man's treasure.

(A) what (B) spread (C) boring (D) how (E) Eventually (F) outskirts (G) thriving (H) mission (I) Initially (J) came across


1.This is the Museum of Bad Art, the basement of a local movie theater on the outskirts of Boston.
a.空格前有介詞 on 和定冠詞 the,可知空格內應置入名詞。
b.選項中為名詞的有 (B) spread(流傳,散佈)、(F) outskirts(郊區)和 (H) mission(使命,任務),惟 outskirts 置入後符合語意,並形成下列用法:
on the outskirts of...  在……的郊區
= in the suburbs of...
outskirt n. 市郊,郊區(常用複數)
例: Mike lives on the outskirts of Chicago.
c.根據上述,可知應選 (F)。

2.Since being established in fall of 1993, MOBA's mission has been to bring "art too bad to be ignored" to the widest of audiences.
a.空格之前有所有格 MOBA's(糟糕藝術博物館的),可知空格內應置入名詞。
b.選項中為名詞的尚有 (B) spread(流傳,散佈)和 (H) mission(使命,任務),惟 mission 置入後符合語意,表糟糕藝術博物館的『使命』就是帶領大眾認識那些『糟糕到你無法視而不見的藝術品』,可知 (H) 為正選。

3.In 1993, Scott Wilson, an antique dealer, came across a painting that was thrown out in the trash.
a.空格前有表人的主詞 Scott Wilson(史考特‧威爾森),後有受詞 a painting(一幅畫),且根據其前的時間副詞 In 1993(在 1993 年),可知空格內應置入過去式的及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
b.符合上述的選項有 (B) spread(傳播,散佈)和 (J) came across(偶然發現∕遇到),惟 came across 置入後符合語意,表在 1993 年,一名古董交易商史考特.威爾森『偶然發現』一幅被扔在垃圾堆的畫作,可知應選 (J)。
c.come across...  偶然發現∕遇到……
例: Ethan came across a woman that looked like his ex-girlfriend at a party.

4.Initially, he just wanted the frame, but after showing it to Jerry Reilly, they decided to keep it.
b.符合上述的選項有 (E) Eventually(最後,終於)和 (I) Initially(起初,最初),惟 Initially 置入後符合語意,表『起初』他只是想要那幅畫的畫框,可知 (I) 為正選。
c.initially adv. 起初,最初
例: Initially, Einstein's research was ignored by other scientists.

5.They felt there was something so bad about it that it was good and spread the word among their friends...
a.空格前有過去式動詞 felt(覺得)和對等連接詞 and,後有受詞 the word(消息),可知空格內應置入過去式的及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
b.符合上述的選項僅剩 (B) spread(傳播,散佈),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c.spread n. & vt. 傳播,散佈(三態同形)
spread the word  傳播消息
此處的 word 表『消息』之意,為不可數名詞。
例: I need to spread the word that tomorrow's meeting is canceled.

6.Eventually, their museum outgrew the space and was moved to the basement of...
b.符合上述的選項僅有 (E) Eventually(最後,終於),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c.eventually adv. 最後,終於
例: If you work hard, you will eventually achieve your goals.

7.Today, MOBA is thriving with a collection of almost 400 pieces of bad art, mostly acquired from sidewalk trash piles or for less than US$6.50 a piece.
a.空格前有主詞 MOBA 和 be 動詞 is,後為介詞 with 引導的介詞片語,可知空格內應置入形容詞或分詞。
b.符合上述的選項有 (C) boring(無趣的)和 (G) thriving(興旺,繁盛),惟 thriving 置入後符合語意,可知應選 (G)。
c.thrive vi. 興旺,繁盛
例: During the Renaissance, science and art thrived in Europe.

8.MOBA's curators are dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition, and celebration of bad art no matter how bizarre, silly, or puzzling they are.
a.空格前有 no matter,空格後則有形容詞 bizarre, silly, or puzzling(古怪、愚蠢或匪夷所思),可知空格應置入疑問副詞 how,以形成下列用法:
no matter how + adj./adv.  不管∕不論如何……
how 是疑問副詞,在其所引導的副詞子句中修飾形容詞或副詞時,須將該形容詞或副詞往前移位,置於 how 之後,使 how 直接修飾該形容詞或副詞。
例: Patrick insisted on only wearing a shirt no matter how cold it was outside.
(不管外頭有多冷,派翠克堅持只穿一件 T 恤。)
b.根據上述,可知 (D) how 為正選。

9.However, they uphold rigorous standards about what is accepted into their collection.
a.空格前有介詞 about,後有缺少主詞的完整述部 is accepted into their collection,可知空格內應置入可作引導名詞子句的詞類。
b.符合上述的選項僅剩疑問代名詞 what,可知 (A) 為正選。

10.They don't want anything that is deliberately bad or just plain boring.
a.空格前有 be 動詞 is 和副詞 plain(完全地,徹底地),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b.選項中為形容詞的僅剩 (C) boring(無趣的),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。

1.hear of...   聽說∕知曉……
例: Did you hear of the art show from your friends or on the Internet?

2.establish vt. 建立,設立
例: It has been almost 50 years since the factory was established.
(這家工廠已經創立快 50 年了。)

3.keep an eye out for...  留意……
例: David asked me to keep an eye out for his lost puppy.

4.exhibition n. 展覽
on exhibition  展出,展覽中
= on display
例: The Queen's jewels will be on exhibition at the museum for a month.

5.outgrow vt. 長大而不適於
例: My son outgrew his shoes, so I had to buy him new ones.
(我兒子穿不下他的鞋子,所以我得買雙新的給他。) dedicated to + N/V-ing  致力於……
= dedicate oneself to + N/V-ing
例: The photographer is dedicated to capturing the true nature of people.

7.uphold vt. 維護;維持
例: It is his duty as the new mayor to uphold the promises that he made.

8.execute vt. 製作;執行
例: The officials failed to execute the plan because of a lack of funds.

9.deliberately adv. 故意地
= on purpose
例: Why did you deliberately tell the teacher the wrong answer?

10.plain adv. 完全地,徹底地
例: Many people think Jane's clothes are just plain odd, but I think they are unique.

1.basement n. 地下室
2.ignore vt. 忽視
3.antique n. 古董 n. 商人;經紀人
5.frame n. 框架
6.sidewalk n. 人行道
7.pile n. 一堆
a trash pile  垃圾堆
8.expand vi. 擴張;發展
9.curator n.(博物館、圖書館等的)館長
10.preservation n. 保存;維護
11.bizarre a. 怪異的
12.puzzling a. 令人迷惑的
13.rigorous a. 嚴格的
14.sincerely adv. 真誠地

  大多數人都聽過羅浮宮和現代藝術博物館,但你曾聽過糟糕藝術博物館(MOBA)嗎?這座單間的畫廊座落於波士頓郊區的一間當地電影院中,位置就在地下 室的男廁外。1993 年秋天成立的糟糕藝術博物館,其使命就是帶領大眾認識那些『糟糕到你無法視而不見的藝術品』。
  1993 年,一名古董交易商史考特‧威爾森偶然發現一幅被扔在垃圾堆的畫作。起初他只是想要那幅畫的畫框,但把它拿給友人傑瑞‧萊利看之後,他們決定把畫留下來。 他們覺得這幅畫糟糕之處讓它反而有可取的地方,並告訴身邊友人幫忙留意糟糕的藝術作品。很快地,他們的收藏漸增,於是威爾森和萊利成立了糟糕藝術博物館。 他們首次的展覽於 1994 年的 3 月在萊利的地下室舉辦。最後,他們的博物館空間不敷使用,於是在 1995 年遷到位於麻州 Dedham 廣場的 Dedham 社區戲院地下室。
  如今,糟糕藝術博物館擁有近 4 百件糟糕藝術品館藏,其中多數是從路邊的垃圾堆撿來,或是以一件低於 6.5 塊美金所購得。最近還擴展到麻州桑默維爾市一家電影院的地下室開設另一間分館。不論作品有多古怪、愚蠢或匪夷所思,糟糕藝術博物館的館長致力於蒐集館藏、 保存作品、舉辦展覽並宣揚糟糕藝術的價值。然而,對於館藏的要求,他們嚴格堅持一個原則,就是只收藏那些認真創作但結果奇差的藝術品。他們並不接受刻意糟 糕或全然平淡無奇的作品。這一切證明了某個人的垃圾卻是別人眼中的寶藏這句話。

答案: 1. (F) 2. (H) 3. (J) 4. (I) 5. (B) 6. (E) 7. (G) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (C)

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