
Once a city-state, Rome grew to become the political and cultural center of the Mediterranean. The empire stretched as far as Britain to the West and Mesopotamia to the East. Romans considered themselves to be the direct descendants of the mythical people of Troy, believing they had inherited the favor of the gods. Through its many glorious military conquests and achievements, the Roman world has left a rich legacy for modern scholars. What has been learned has given us a glimpse into a time in which man reached a height of civilization that had never been seen before.

  During the early years of Roman history, 750-510 B.C., Rome was ruled by successive kings. Rome evolved quickly, and by the end of the fifth century B.C., the last king was expelled and a republican government was established. During this era, Rome succeeded in conquering all of Italy and by the first century B.C., was the lasting power in the Mediterranean.

  At this time, rival military forces began to compete for power. Two men, Pompey and Julius Caesar, emerged as bitter rivals with opposing armies. In 49 B.C., civil war broke out, with Julius Caesar eventually defeating Pompey. Voted dictator for life by the senate, Caesar met with an untimely death on the 15th of March in 44 B.C. The date will forever be known as "The Ides of March."


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Manners Please 餐桌禮儀 (2005-03-25)

It's mealtime. Laughing voices mingle with the smell of deliciously prepared food as Brother, Sister, Mom, and Dad enjoy the spread before them. _(1)_ Though eating on the run is common, it doesn't mean that you can let your table manners slack off. Despite the fact that the rules for dining aren't as rigid as before, they should be learned. _(2)_ First, watch how you're sitting. Posture is of great importance when dining with others. "Elbows, elbows, if you're able ─keep your elbows off the table!" is a rhyme drilled into children's heads from the time they can sit. Also, make sure you sit up and by all means, don't hunch over your meal. On the other hand, don't lean too far back in your chair. _(3)_ In different cultures, eating with your fingers is normal and expected. When it comes to most Western cuisine, there is a short list of foods that can be eaten without utensils. _(4)_ Trying to cut these things with a knife and fork would be difficult and would make you seem a bit out of place. There are hundreds of dos and don'ts when it comes to dining with others. _(5)_ ──by Jerri C. Graham

(A) This can lead to more food ending up on your clothes than in your mouth.

(B) Bacon, bread, cookies, and corn on the cob are just a few of the foods that can be eaten with your fingers.

(C) No one fully masters them all, but it's at least nice to try.

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Recently, yoga, meditation, and essential oils have had a surge of renewed popularity as ways of improving your health. Though essential oils have been all the _(1)_ , we should not forget about the oils that we use in everyday life. Olive, sesame, and coconut oil can be bought at most grocery stores for a fraction of the price of essential oils. Research proves that these common oils are just as beneficial _(2)_ their sexily scented cousins.

  Associated with high cholesterol and heart disease, the consumption of saturated fats has been discouraged. Coconut oil, _(3)_ is a saturated fat, has also been given a bad rap. But in countries such as the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and some parts of New Zealand, coconut oil is used in large _(4)_ for cooking. It turns out that people in these areas have lower cholesterol and a lower incidence of heart disease.

  Lately, studies have _(5)_ that Western health trends have been misleading when _(6)_ comes to the benefits of coconut oil. In fact, coconut oil is now being hyped as "The Miracle Oil." Researchers suggest lower cholesterol, clear and healthy skin, and even weight loss are some of the beneficial side effects of using coconut oil. While experts have yet to find a cure-all for human ailments, it may do us all _(7)_ to give different things a try.

──by Tara McAteer

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Skiing has come a long way since the Stone Age, when early humans jumped on boards before going out to hunt. Back then, sliding down snow-covered hills was merely a means of pursuing prey. _(1)_ a successful skiing trip in the Stone Age would have required bringing home a wooly mammoth, today it merely involves a trip to any of the three hundred plus alpine skiing resorts scattered around the globe.

  It took quite some time for skiing to _(2)_ the gap between utility and recreation. The first evidence of skiing simply _(3)_ the sake of skiing can be found in Icelandic poetry written roughly 1,000 years ago. One poem boasts of the high speed achieved by a skiing Viking king. King Hadrade skied for no other reason _(4)_ to feel the air against his face, the pull of gravity on his body, and the sensation of controlled falling that skiing provides.

  Of course, skiing equipment also took some time to advance beyond the 4,500-year-old wooden skis archeologists found in Scandinavia. Early skis were _(5)_ tree branches stripped of their leaves. Neither the material nor the shape of those early skis _(6)_ much resemblance to modern ones. Today's skis are complicated mixtures of fiberglass and metal, _(7)_ more like hourglasses than tree branches. These developments have made skiing easier and thus more enjoyable.

──by LuAnn Crowther Oliver

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Cock-a-Doodle-Doo! 猴年過,雞年到 (2005-02-24)

The monkey has climbed out of his tree and now another animal is on the scene. It is the year of the Rooster. Roosters are the life of the party. _(1)_ Unfortunately, they sometimes like to brag about what they have around others that may not be as well off. _(2)_ Roosters are excellent with their finances and are good providers for their families.

  Men born in the year of the Rooster can be extremely attractive. _(3)_ Like a rooster in a barnyard, the man born in this year will strut around with his chest thrust out in an effort to show the world his beautiful "feathers."

  For the most part, there are two distinct types of Roosters. _(4)_ They are not ignoring what is going on around them, just quietly interpreting their surroundings. Then there are the Roosters that are constantly talking. _(5)_ Roosters have many good qualities such as being organized, precise, alert, and direct. Just as human beings are unique, so are the 12 animals of the Chinese horoscope.

──by Jerri C. Graham

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Sometimes traveling on your own can be daunting. But when you need help planning a trip by yourself, you need look no further than the Lonely Planet guidebooks. Lonely Planet has successfully created guidebooks for hundreds of countries and cities around the world. And it doesn't end there. Lonely Planet is a valuable resource for the novice and experienced travelers, alike.

  Paperback guidebooks are the most popular products produced by Lonely Planet. They have more than 650 guidebooks in 14 languages. Some of these books are theme guides, which include topics such as art, history, beaches, food, islands and many others. Lonely Planet also publishes language guides, which include useful phrases for traveling around a country.

  In addition to guidebooks, Lonely Planet has an abundance of online resources. Among the most useful is the Thorn Tree Forum. On Thorn Tree, travelers can ask other travelers questions about a specific destination. If you can't decide whether to take the train or fly from Hong Kong to Beijing, you can ask someone who has done it before. Airfare and accommodations can be booked and travel insurance purchased on the Lonely Planet website.

  The success of Lonely Planet most likely derives from the main principles of the organization. According to their website, "Travel can be a powerful force for tolerance and understanding. As a part of a worldwide community of travelers, we want to enable everyone to travel with awareness, respect and care." It is this foundation that makes the world a smaller and less complicated place to explore.

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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二. 間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)






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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二. 間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)




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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敍述與間接敍述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二. 間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)




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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敍述與間接敍述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二. 間接敍述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)



將某人 (包括自己) 所說的原意,但不必一字不改,引述一遍,這種方式稱爲間接敍述 —— 間接敍述是不用引號的。如:


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中央廣播電台 更新日期: 2007/03/02 07:09 記者:鍾錦隆







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中時電子報 更新日期: 2007/03/02 04:09 記者: 楊明暐/綜合報導








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文 ◎ 達索.薩爾迪瓦爾 譯 ◎卞雙成、胡真才

 不久,傍晚散步時,老上校走著走著,就停下了腳步,站在街道當中,長嘆一聲,坦誠地對七歲的外孫說:「你不知道一個死人有多苦啊!」如果說戰爭傷疤的顯露使孩子覺得外公的形象更加迷人的話,那麼,這一肺腑之言便是在他印象中留下的最深刻的一句話。它確鑿無誤地表明上述兩件事體現了外祖父最大的悲劇:戰爭和那個死人留給他的創傷。賈西亞.馬奎斯承認,索福克勒斯的影響也許是他在作品中無法擺脫死亡的存在原因。此言不謬,但只說對了一半,事實的另一半是早在受那位希臘大師影響之前很久,國家的悲劇和外祖父的悲劇已經影響了他。正如我們已經看到的,千日戰爭是哥倫比亞歷史上最血腥的民眾悲劇(加上四○年代與五○年代稱為「暴力」的時代),這一悲劇是由外公講述給外孫知道的。 (待續)

from http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2001/new/sep/26/life/article-3.htm

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文 ◎ 達索.薩爾迪瓦爾 譯 ◎卞雙成、胡真才



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