
目前分類:英語好好玩 (651)

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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)






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Challenging Misconceptions
作者:Timothy Henry Bullins 老師
學歷:M.A. of Gaylord College of Journalism,
    University of Oklahoma
現任:文藻外語學院英文系 專案講師
  My experiences in teaching at Wenzao have helped me grow more as an educator and learn about the intricacies of being a student in Taiwan. Although students in Taiwan and the United States have many things in common, there are many very telling differences. As a teacher, I feel duty-bound to be aware of my students’ concerns and address these in the course of my lectures but I also realize that sometimes students need guidance in areas that they might not be aware of.

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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)






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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)






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Roller Coaster Roots 衝上雲霄


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The Roman Way 條條大路通羅馬


Once a city-state, Rome grew to become the political and cultural center of the Mediterranean. The empire stretched as far as Britain to the West and Mesopotamia to the East. Romans considered themselves to be the direct descendants of the mythical people of Troy, believing they had inherited the favor of the gods. Through its many glorious military conquests and achievements, the Roman world has left a rich legacy for modern scholars. What has been learned has given us a glimpse into a time in which man reached a height of civilization that had never been seen before.

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Manners Please 餐桌禮儀


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The Coconut Oil Cure 神奇椰子油


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Hitting the Slopes 滑雪去!


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Cock-a-Doodle-Doo! 猴年過,雞年到


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Making the World Smaller 世界變小了


  Sometimes traveling on your own can be daunting. But when you need help planning a trip by yourself, you need look no further than the Lonely Planet guidebooks. Lonely Planet has successfully created guidebooks for hundreds of countries and cities around the world. And it doesn't end there. Lonely Planet is a valuable resource for the novice and experienced travelers, alike.

  Paperback guidebooks are the most popular products produced by Lonely Planet. They have more than 650 guidebooks in 14 languages. Some of these books are theme guides, which include topics such as art, history, beaches, food, islands and many others. Lonely Planet also publishes language guides, which include useful phrases for traveling around a country.

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 “You’re going to the United States to live? How wonderful! You’re really lucky!” Does this sound familiar? Perhaps your family and friends said similar things to you when you left home. But does it seem true all the time? Is your life in this new country always wonderful and exciting? (Specialists in counseling and intercultural studies say that it is not easy to adjust to life in a new culture. They call the feelings that people experience when they come to a new environment culture shock.

 According to these specialists, there are three stages of culture shock. In the first stage, the new comers like their environment. Then, when the newness wears off, they begin to hate the city, the country, the people, the apartment, and everything else in the new culture. In the final stage of culture shock, the new comers begin to adjust to their surroundings and, as a result, enjoy their life more.

 Some of the reasons for culture shock are obvious. Maybe the weather is unpleasant. Perhaps the customs are different, perhaps the public service systems such as the telephone, post office, or transportation are difficult to figure out, and you make mistakes. The simplest things seem difficult. The language may be difficult. How many times have you just repeated the same thing again and again and hoped to understand the answer eventually? The food may seem strange to you and you may miss the familiar smells of the food you are accustomed to in your own country. If you don’t look similar to the natives, you may feel strange. You may feel like everyone is watching you. In fact, you are always watching yourself. You are self-conscious.

  1. There are apparently ___ stages of culture shock.

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歌詞 Lyrics
線上試聽:You Tube
  Mika是英國BBC Sound最新出爐的2007年推薦新星,來自倫敦,帶著黎巴嫩的血統,以出色的詞曲創作能力和收放自如的歌喉在英國和歐陸快速走紅,他在英國推出第一首單曲Grace Kelly,便獲得四週的冠軍。這首以已故摩洛哥王后Grace Kelly為名的歌曲,非但未向這位己成優雅典範的女性致敬,反而以略帶反諷的語氣,提出長久以來社會對性別認知的岐視誤解。

  初見到Mika在Grace Kelly的MV中擺動他纖細的身體,再加上及肩半捲的長髮,真假音互換的唱腔,聽者很難不陷入社會的典型誤判──他是個GAY!(其實在英國,這也正是樂迷的八卦話題)不過,這首歌曲一開始,Mika便以連續五個問題挑戰聽眾的既定印象,再以調皮的口吻自我剖析:

Do I attract you?
Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
Am I too dirty?

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Tourism in Taiwan
作者:Timothy Henry Bullins 老師
學歷:M.A. of Gaylord College of Journalism,
    University of Oklahoma
現任:文藻外語學院英文系 專案講師

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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)




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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)




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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)




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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)




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第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)




luishsu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

第五篇      動      詞 

    第八章  直接敘述與間接敘述 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)

二、間接敘述 (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech)






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