b 賀氏英文法全書 a
賀立民 教授
第六章 語法 (Mood) |
2. |
假設法的作用: |
| ||||
A. |
表示 “假想” —— 不是事實。如: | |||
(1) |
If money grew on trees, all of us would be millionaires. (非事實) | ||
事 |
實 |
是: |
Money doesn't grow on trees. |
(錢不長在樹上。) |
(2) |
If we had known each other before I got married to John, I would have married you. (非事實) | ||
事 |
實 |
是: |
We got acquainted after I had married John. |
(3) |
He talks as if he knew everything. (非事實) | ||
事 |
實 |
是: |
Nobody knows everything. |
(4) |
You look as if you'd seen a ghost. (非事實) | ||
事 |
實 |
是: |
You did not see a ghost. |
(5) |
I wish I were twenty years younger. (非事實) | ||
事 |
實 |
是: |
I can't be twenty years younger. |
(6) |
I wish my poor mother and youngest brother hadn't been starved to death. (非事實) | ||
事 |
實 |
是: |
They were both starved to death. |
B. |
避免讓人有“說話太武斷”的印象,或者是要表示出“委婉的”、“有禮貌的”等語氣。如: | |||
(1) |
a. |
I think so. (態度堅定) | |
b. |
I should think we'll need at least twelve bottles of wine. (不武斷) | |
(2) |
a. |
Don't worry. (直截了當) | |
b. |
If I were you I shouldn't worry. (委婉有禮) | |
(3) |
a. |
Can somebody help me? (不拘禮) | |
b. |
Could somebody help me? (較有禮貌) | |
(4) |
a. |
Mary may be home now. (純猜測) | |
b. |
Mary might be home now. (表示沒有把握) | |
C. |
表示出“只是自己的(或主詞的)”主張、意見等主觀的想法,客觀的事實未必如此。如: | |||
(1) |
We insist that a meeting be held (or should be held) promptly. (未必成事實) | ||
比 |
較: |
He insists that he doesn't know her. (堅稱那是事實) |
(2) |
It is essential that every child have (or should have) the same educational opportunities. (只是表達意見) | ||
比 |
較: |
It is true that every child in Taiwan has the same educational opportunities. |
(3) |
I would like to be a doctor. (想是想,沒有把握能達到目的) | ||
比 |
較: |
My parents want me to be a doctor. (純敘述事實) |
(4) |
He came in quietly so that he shouldn't wake his wife. (目的如此,事實未必如此) |